Ancestry of Philip E. Hildreth - aqwn18 - Generated by Ancestral Quest

Ancestry of Philip E. Hildreth


1242. Patty HILDRETH

Perhaps name is Martha

1244. Mary Ann HILDRETH

Perhaps name is Ann Maria

1245. Mary PARLIN

perhaps name is Polly.

1246. Elizbeth PARLIN

Called Betsey?

567. Ephraim HILDRETH

Was Revolutionary soldier

568. Abel HILDRETH

One record says born 1766. May have been born in Essex, MA.

Children of Able ( by Which Wife Is Unknownto the Compiler)

570. John HILDRETH

Lieutenant John

Cynthia BROWN

V.R. say Oct. 9;  F.R. say Oct. 10, 1783

583. Jesse HILDRETH

Jesse was a Revolutionary soldier

1316. Abijah HILDRETH

Records are poor. This may be the Abijah Hildreth who died on this date in this place.