Marriage Notes for Mary Hildreth and George Washington CARPENTER
It is believed that there were more children , but records are unclear. Information has been requested.
According to Fourth Publication of Hildreth Family Association records at Concord. NH are in mixed state and no information has been obtained from descendants. Nothing known about who, where and when of 1st and 2nd marriages William L., Elias, John C. and Abbie assumed to be children from 1st and 2nd marriages, but not known which.
Adopted by half-brother William L.
It is assumed that Anna May married this Frank Schwartz, but not known for certain.
one source says Stephen Royce was born December 20, 1815 at Landaff, NH
A relative says the name was Sylvester.
perhaps ddate of death was May 18. Variouw records give her name as Agnes and Caroline
Abbie was a widow when she married Elkanah.